Denver Legal Hackers officially launched as a chapter last fall, and 2019 has seen a lot of activity to build membership, gain traction and visibility in the local community, and develop our scope of work.
In May, we had a planning meeting to discuss prospective projects for the coming year. Members suggested three potential projects, including student loan tools and resources, regulatory obstacles to community innovation, and developing a community hub for access to justice issues (providing people the legal services they need). Although all three ideas remain on the table, the Chapter decided to prioritize the access to justice (“A2J”) community hub project to focus its efforts this year.
In June, Chapter members met to discuss how to better define the A2J Community Hub project. Members decided that, in the short term, Denver Legal Hackers could act as a nexus for connecting groups that are dealing with access to legal services issues in Colorado. In the long term, Denver Legal Hackers can create tools to allow for efficient and seamless connection among those different people and organizations dealing with these issues to facilitate communication, efficient use of resources, and efforts.
Planning Ahead
We will post a Doodle Poll on Slack to pin down a date and time for a Zoom Conference to get feedback from members on our developing plan and to provide an opportunity for members to volunteer to help on different aspects of the project. For more information about this specific project and how you can be involved, join our Slack Channel and stay tuned for updates.
Putting Plans Into Action
August 7, 2019
Location TBD
Join us to meet fellow legal hackers and discuss how to put our plans into action! We will briefly update everyone on the feedback we received from Chapter members in July, and discuss how members can be involved. We’ll also set some time aside to meet other Hackers and discuss common interests.